Oct 28 – 31, 2024 Konferans
Mithat Özsan Amfisi
Europe/Istanbul timezone
Early Registration Deadline September 30, 2024

Academic Incentive

Academic Incentives, (attendance from Türkiye)

According to the 2024 academic incentive regulation, in order for a congress to meet the academic incentive criteria;

- Turkey's outside participants must be at least 5 countries

- More than half of the participants should be outside Turkey.

All congresses published on our congress platform do not include academic incentive conditions. To find out which congress is under the incentive, please visit our congress page.

Associate Professorship

-Abstracts and full texts are approved after peer review.

-The acceptance of the paper requires referee evaluation and approval.

-Scientists from at least 6 countries are included in the scientific committees of our congresses.

-After the congress, congress proceedings with ISBN are published.

-All of our congresses meet all academic promotion criteria including associate professorship.

To be updated...