Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to welcome you to the Fourth International Language-for-All Conference (LFAC’25), organized in collaboration with Çukurova University and Hasan Kalyoncu University.
LFAC’25 will take place on October 16-17, 2025, at Hasan Kalyoncu University in Gaziantep, Türkiye. This year’s conference theme, "Sustainable Learning, Global Impact" aims to foster meaningful discussions on innovative and sustainable approaches in language education. It is our privilege to gather with you in pursuit of advancing the field of sustainable language education. As we embark on this shared journey of exploration, reflection, and innovation, we invite you to engage in thought-provoking discussions, collaborate with peers, and contribute to the collective effort of shaping the future of language teaching, learning, and research.
The conference will cover the following fields of study:
1. Sustainability in Education
Education for Sustainable Development
Eco-friendly Pedagogy
Sustainable Resources and Materials
Environmental Education in ELT
Environmental Humanities
Eco-Literature (Eco-Criticism)
2. Pedagogy and Teaching Methods
Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)
Critical Pedagogy in Language Education
Language Teaching for Inclusive Education
3. Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education
Language for Social Change and Advocacy
Teacher Development & Lifelong Learning
Psychology and Well-being in Language Learning
4. Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility
Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility
Intercultural Communication and Global Competence
Language & Culture
Literature & Social Justice
5. Language and Linguistics
Global English and Language Varieties
6. Digital Literacy and Technology
Digital Literacy & Technology Integration
Blended and Online Learning
7. Assessment and Learning Evaluation
Assessment for Sustainable Learning
Assessment in Language Education
8. English for Special Purposes
English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
9. Psychology and Well-being
Psychology and Well-being in Language Learning
10. Leadership and Educational Management
Educational Management
Educational Leadership
11. Language Teaching for Social Change
Language for Social Change and Advocacy
12. Teacher Development
Teacher Development & Lifelong Learning
13. Language Teaching Innovations
Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)
Blended and Online Learning
14. Cultural and Linguistic Studies
Language & Culture
Intercultural Communication and Global Competence
15. Global and Environmental Education
Global Citizenship and Social Responsibility
Environmental Education in ELT
Environmental Humanities
All accepted abstracts will be published with an ISBN in The Fourth International Language-for-All Conference: Book of Abstracts. Additionally, selected full papers will be published online as an edited book with an ISBN.
We would be honored to host you at LFAC’25 and look forward to your valuable contributions.